Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fourteen months old!

Every time we reach another month, it's hard to believe how old the girls have gotten! They are doing new things every day. They are both getting really good at manipulating all their toys. They like to take things in & out - like dump out the blocks, then put them back in their container. This seems like a first step in learning to clean up after themselves. I am very excited about this!

Avery finally started crawling on her knees a little bit a couple weeks ago but still prefers army crawling if she has to reach something. But in the last week she's decided she'd prefer to walk everywhere. I think she's going to skip crawling altogether. She's pretty good at it as long as she can hang on to someone's hand. Soon she'll be walking all by herself!

Kara really isn't interested in walking. I guess it's because she's so fast at crawling, she doesn't see the point. She's reached all the milestones before Avery, so it'd be funny if Avery walked first. Kara loves being chased & tickled. She's so speedy, it's hard to catch her sometimes. Her new favorite word is book & she goes around all day pointing at books saying "book, book, book." She also speaks long sentences of total gibberish which is so cute.

Here's some random pics I've taken. It's become almost impossible to get a shot of both of them sitting together!

Look what a big girl I am!

We love trying to grab the camera away from Mama

Kara is almost two inches taller than Avery. I guess Kara got Dada's tall genes.

Finally deciding to crawl a bit

Playing the in & out game

Now they're both at it. They've started to play together more often.

Watch out, Kara's got a bat!

Tasty elephant

Can you say drool???

Captives of the living room

Maybe I can eat my way through...

Mama's interrupting playtime again with that stupid camera

Kara loves bathtime. When she hears me turn on the tub,
she comes flying into the bathroom jabbering all excited.

We like to peer over the house at each other & laugh