Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fun at the Zoo

We took Avery and Kara to the zoo for the first time last month. Gigi and Grandad came with us and were a big help corralling the girls. They had so much fun running all around and looking at the animals. On our way home, they fell asleep about the second we put them in the car...totally worn out from all the fun!

Checking out the penguins

Hello Mr. Gorilla

Looks real, doesn't it?

I think they liked this turtle statue better than the real animals!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Trick or Treat

Halloween was a lot of fun! The girls got to go trick or treating for the first time. We only went to a few houses, but they were thrilled with the candy. The hard part was waiting until we got home to eat it! Then we let them stay up a little later than usual to watch us pass out candy to other kids. So Avery and Kara sampled a milky way and twix, and it must be true that candy makes kids hyper, because they stayed up laughing and jabbering in their room for well over an hour after we put them to bed. I guess they had a good time. :)

Excited little trick-or-treater

Collecting candy is serious business!

We visited a nice older couple on our street first. Avery tried to invite herself inside.

So many choices...

Kara took a liking to a Milky Way and wouldn't put it down until we opened it at home later.

Hanging out at the house waiting for trick-or-treaters

"How can I weasel more candy out of Mommy & Daddy?"

The weekend before Halloween, we took the girls to our church's Fall Festival. They were very excited to wear their princess dresses. We had a good time exploring all the fun, petting zoo, fire truck & police car. They're favorite activity was playing with balloons of course. That never gets old! And sweetly harassing all the poor animals in the petting zoo.

Little princess #1

Avery attempts to play a game and is overwhelmed by choices. She finally picked up a duck and won some candy.

Little princess #2

Knocking the balloons around...ah, the best game of all

Avery always has to stop and pick up rocks whenever possible

The little princess meets a masked man and has a staring contest

She's got the bunnies cornered

Avery tried to hug all the animals in the petting zoo. It was very sweet, but probably very terrifying to the poor animals. She scared away several ducks, chickens, and bunnies before going after the goats.

They did not want to leave the petting zoo. They would have stayed there all night if we let them.

Relaxing before going home for the night

Before the Fall Festival, we took a trip to the pumpkin patch. The girls had so much fun running around and investigating the pumpkins. We ate lunch, and then they tried their first snow cone. It was a big hit!

Wow, that's a lot of pumpkins!

Kara thinks pumpkins make a good chair

Avery went around hugging all the pumpkins. Guess she thought they needed a little love.

The one picture I got of them together

They loved opening and closing all the doors


I see you!