Thursday, June 26, 2008

New Professional Pics

I had some new professional pictures of the girls taken a few weeks ago. The photographer, Brad, is wonderful! He's the only photographer who's ever gotten them to smile (he took their one year pics). Brad came to our house and set up all his equipment while the girls watched. It put them at ease and everything went really well. Here's his website:
If you need a good photographer, call him!

Little miss giggles!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Some Recent Pics

Wow, the girls are 19 months old today! We went to their 18 month check up a couple weeks ago. Avery finally weighs 20 pounds, and Kara's 21.5lb. Kara's an inch & a half taller than Avery. They're saying more new words all the time, especially Avery. She's become quite the little talker. They still love books and can identify lots of different animals and pictures. They've started playing little games with each other involving blankets, the curtains, crawling like animals. They crack me up.

"I love my sister!"
They give each other kisses sometimes. So sweet.

Fun with blankets

Wearing Dada's belt and Mama's sandal. Kara loves walking around in our shoes.

Hooray for Avery!

How cute are they with pigtails?

Avery's enjoying Kara's hairdo

Working hard on a puzzle

My beautiful orchid I got on Mother's Day. Miraculously, despite my black thumb, it's still alive!