Friday, September 12, 2008

Dallas Cowboy fans

Steve is attempting to create two new sports fans in our house. Obviously my feigned attempts to seem interested in sports aren't believable. He's hoping the new generation of Whitsons will share his love of football and basketball. We got them each a "Biggest Little Cowboy Fan" shirt for the opening game of the season last Sunday. I don't think they watched much of the game, but atleast they looked cute. :)

Kara and her two penguins watching the game

Showing off her new shirt

Yes, that's right...I've resorted to taking a picture of them trapped in a grocery cart to get them both in the same picture looking at the camera.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Mother's Day Out

We started twice a week Mother's Day Out on Tuesday at our church. I can't believe they're old enough to go. I was a little sad dropping them off. I've never left them anywhere before, but they did great. After crying for a minute, they were fine. My mom is the director and I really like their teacher Miss Jackie. I must say it's awfully nice to have a few hours to myself. I'd forgotten what the peace & quiet was like!

Checking out our lunchboxes before leaving for our first day of school

In the car on the way to the church

Monday, September 1, 2008

Two Silly Girls

In the last couple months, Kara has become very concerned with cleanliness. Lately, Avery is too. It's so funny. They find tiny specks of dirt on the floor & say "uh oh" over and over while they hand it to me or take it to the trashcan. They've obviously noticed my less than stellar housekeeping abilities. Thanks girls! They also want their hands kept clean when they eat, and most of the time they let me know if they need a diaper change. Maybe we can potty train in a few months. No more diapers!!!

Hanging out after church

Playing with rocks

As usual, my attempts for a picture of the girls together never work

Sitting with Gigi & Grandad

I leave the room for a minute, then come back to find Kara has climbed onto the dining room chair. Atleast she isn't on top of the table...I'm sure that will come next.

Miss Smiley

Showing off her pretty bracelet from Gigi

Playing outside